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Applied Statistics and Modelling ASAM

The ASAM Group (Applied Statistics and Modelling) is part of the Department of Informatics at the University of Fribourg and offers courses in statistics, probability and applied econometrics.


The Group ASAM researches and expertise focus on various fields of applied statistics and econometrics. In survey statistics, we are regularly implied in projects such as the conception of survey designs, sampling, management of surveys and analyses of complex survey data.


On the other hand, we have done works and studies on particular topics in data analyses, e.g. treatment of missing values, matching methods or treatment effect evaluation.


In our econometrics projects, our interest is in the hedonic regression methods and hedonic price indices, in the decomposition of wage differentials and in the analyses of wage discrimination.


The methods of fuzzy statistics are actually in the centre of our attentionThe ASAM Group (Applied Statistics and Modelling) is part of the Department of Informatics at the University of Fribourg and offers courses in statistics, probability and applied econometrics.


The Group ASAM researches and expertise focus on various fields of applied statistics and econometrics. In survey statistics, we are regularly implied in projects such as the conception of survey designs, sampling, management of surveys and analyses of complex survey data.


On the other hand, we have done works and studies on particular topics in data analyses, e.g. treatment of missing values, matching methods or treatment effect evaluation.


In our econometrics projects, our interest is in the hedonic regression methods and hedonic price indices, in the decomposition of wage differentials and in the analyses of wage discrimination.


The methods of fuzzy statistics are actually in the centre of our attention


Laurent Donzé is a Professor of Applied Statistics and Modelling (ASAM) and Head of the research group in the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg. His teaching experience includes Mathematics and Econometrics, Introductory Statistics, Survey Statistics, Applied Econometrics and Applied Statistics. His main research fields are survey methodology and specialized methods in Applied Statistics as wage discrimination, causal effects estimation, imputation and matching techniques, fuzzy statistics. He has published in numerous journals and has acted as a referee or reviewer for several journals and editions.

After a PhD in Econometrics at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland), Laurent Donzé worked on several SNF projects for a Research Institute in Economics of the Canton Tessin (Istituto di Ricerche Economiche (IRE)). Parallelly, he pursued his mathematical education at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Fribourg. From 1996 to 2002, Laurent Donzé worked as a senior scientific collaborator at the KOF Swiss Economic Institute of ETH Zurich (KOF ETH Zurich), where he built, among other projects, the Swiss Firm Panel. In 2002, he obtained a position as a Professor of Statistics at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). He is attached to the Department of Informatics, where he teaches and does his researches.

Since 2002, he is also Research Professor for the KOF ETH Zurich. And since 2016, he is Professor of Econometrics at the University of Neuchâtel.

He is mentor at the Swiss Study Foundation. He is president of the SSS section "Education and Research" (Swiss Statistical Society) too.

Last updated: 24.02.2023

  Prof.Laurent Donzé