Digital Identity Science, a.k.a. biometrics, encompasses speaker, face, fingerprint and vein recognition and is currently investigating Bias Mitigation - do biometric systems perform equally well across demographics groups? how to assess it and mitigate it?; Presentation Attack and Deepfakes - are recognition systems robust to presentation and inversion attacks?; and Template Security - how to prevent unnecessary leakage of private information?
On April 18-19, the Idiap Research Institute is hosting a biometrics workshop on the above themes. This workshop is co-organised with the European Association for Biometrics (EAB) in collaboration with the Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR).
Background Information: CITeR ( citer.clarkson.edu ) is an US National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (IUCRC) focusing on serving its affiliates in the rapidly growing areas of identity science and biometric recognition through interdisciplinary group of faculty, researchers, and students. Affiliates include for instance US Department of Defense (DFBA), US Department of Homeland Security (OBIM and S&T), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), US Defense Forensic Science Center (DFSC), Defense Research and Development Canada (DRDC), IDEMIA, Precise Biometrics, Qualcomm, Tech5, SICPA (cf. citer.clarkson.edu/affiliates ). Academic partners include Clarkson University, West Virginia University, University at Buffalo, Michigan State University and the Idiap Research Institute.